Food waste is one of the key contributors to the climate crisis. Äss-Bar was founded when the shocking discovery was made that 1/3 of all Swiss food ends up being wasted. In cooperation with various bakeries, Äss-Bar collects baked goods from the day before and sells them at a discounted price. With up to a 50% discount on products like breads and other baked products they have managed to reduce their annual carbon emissions by 225 000 Kg.
In times of dwindling resources, the careful handling of high-quality food is important. The idea of selling baked goods from the day before lives up to the principle of the closed value chain. It is an important step towards ecological recovery and a positive move away from our throw-away society.
Address in Zürich:
Stüssihofstatt 6, Zürich, Switzerland.
Other Cities:
• Bern
Marktgasse 19, im Kellerlokal, 3011 Bern
• Winterthur
Vis-a-vis vom Tech (ZHAW):
Technikumstrasse 50, 8400 Winterthur
• St. Gallen
Zwischen Kloster und Kanti
Lämmlisbrunnenstrasse 3, 9000 St. Gallen
• Fribourg
Zentral, gleich beim Gymnasium
Ruelle du Lycée 4, 1700 Fribourg
• Basel
Beim Spalentor, nähe der Uni
Spalenvorstadt 41, 4051 Basel