Labdoo provides access to educational materials to hundreds of thousands of children in schools from developing regions around the globe. It is not just what they do that is brilliant, it is how they go about it.
If you have an unused computer, ipad, ebook reader or tablet pc at home you can donate it to Labdoo and they will clean it, upload extensive educational material and one of their many volunteers will deliver it to a school in need.
Devices are tracked and it is a requirement that once a computer is no longer in use it is recycled or brought back to Labdoo and they will either recycle the parts or if possible fix any problems to give it a new lease on life and another chance to educate more children. Some computers have been sent to different schools around the world three times.
Not only is it a wonderful way to bring education to people in need; it makes so much environmental sense. Each year hundreds of millions of devices are no longer used despite being in working order. By keeping devices in circulation for longer and the careful recycling of parts , Labdoo manages to keep E-waste minimised. This is no small thing as E waste is an ever-growing serious environmental threat and poses devastating health risks particularly in areas close to dumping sites and where dismantling and recycling of electronics is not controlled. It has been reported that only 20% of E-waste generated Is documented to be collected and recycled.
Labdoo has become an extraordinary social network connecting people around the globe through education. Volunteers register the destinations they are travelling to and if there is a school in need in the region, they can travel with a computer and a local person will collect it to deliver it to the school. You don’t have to join the network to do this but it is a great way to add real value to your travels.